Our Practice Areas

Criminal Defense
Misdemeanors, Drug Related, Felonies, & more...
If charged with a violation of the law, you have a legal right to defend yourself or be represented by an attorney. You also have a right to challenge the government's case against you. The Pilgrim Law Group will work with you to create a plan for how to handle your case. Every case is unique, and we treat each client the same way.

Personal Injury
Slip and Fall, Auto Accident, Negligence, & more...
People are often injured as a result of another's negligence. People have a duty to act in a reasonable manner and avoid causing harm to others. The Pilgrim Law Group is experienced in handling personal injury claims. We know what it takes to achieve the best outcome for your situation.

Wrongful Death
Medical, Accident, Auto, At Work, & more...
A wrongful death is one that is caused by another person's negligence or misconduct. A claim for wrongful death is made by a family member or a deceased person to obtain compensation for having to live without that person. This type of case is one of the more emotional we handle. The Pilgrim Law Group understands that, we empathize with you, and we do our best to honor the memory of your deceased loved one.

Medical Malpractice
Surgical errors & more...
People are often injured as a result of another's negligence. People have a duty to act in a reasonable manner and avoid causing harm to others. The Pilgrim Law Group is experienced in handling personal injury claims. We know what it takes to achieve the best outcome for your situation.

Probate Law
Wills, Power of Attorney, Estates, & more...
Death and disability are certainties in life. If you want to create an estate plan or handle affairs for a deceased loved one, we are here to help. Our experienced team can help and guide you on the best course of action for your circumstances.

Child Custody
Custody, Modifications, Contempt, & more...
There is nothing more precious to a parent than their child. The Pilgrim Law Group understand that. Not all child custody cases are the same, and they shouldn't be treated that way. We work with you to formulate your own plan and deliver the best case possible in court. Whether this is your first custody trial, or a modification to an existing agreement, we are here to help.

Local, At Birth, & more...
Adoption is an important life change for the parents and child. The Pilgrim Law Group will deliver the service you deserve and celebrate your new addition with you. We are here to help your family grow.

Contested and Uncontested
The end of a marriage is always filled with different emotions. The Pilgrim Law Group understands how overwhelming this can be. We are here to serve you and help remove as much stress as possible. Don't know which direction to take? We are here to help you.